Monday, September 26, 2011

Call of the Wild


As I strolled down the hall, I heard it; my ring tone blaring the music from the original series of mission impossible. That could only mean one the call I was waiting for. My pal Jeremiah.He has a dream job, if, and i repeat if, you got a lot of hardware hanging from your belt, like being an army of one and hate walls and telephones. He's often out in the wild trapping grizzlies and relocating them, netting and tagging eagles or snow shoeing up to a bison and tranqing it. When the opportunity presented itself, he said he'd call and I could roll along. Like carrying a pager and holding Yankee whites, waiting for word that "Rawhide" had landed or "Halo's" ready to roll; I waited  for the call and this was it. The split second I heard the familiar song, my mind began to race, what adventure lies ahead? Maybe a moose caught in a swing set? Perhaps a grizzly in someones shed? Wolves? Badgers? What? I had my quick response back pack at the ready and I was prepared do drop every possible responsibility I had for the day, no questions asked! But
what was the mission? What was the level of danger involved? Risk life or limb? WHAT!..........I said, "hello". 

     Jeremiah, said,"Dash, man am I glad I got hold of you, I need your help" "You bet", I said, "what's up"? As he began to speak, my heart began to race! He said, "I just got an emergency call about a Griz" yeah, yeah what do you need? He said," have you seen my wife today"?  "Yes, she's in a meeting". He said, "when you see her, tell her I had to leave in a hurry and..................I think she left her curling iron on and I didn't have a chance to check it and turn it off."  Inside my head, you could have heard the bomber, burst into flames and head full speed toward certain cataclysmic explosion as it smashed into the ground! It was over before it even got started.
At this piont my friend Deli Bob would normally ask, "were you Killed?" Well..........
I told his wife. I burned no calories, I didn't run low on food or stove fuel, no blisters, no slivers, I never feared for my life, I got 8 hours of sleep that night, yet still, I never got lost and my headlamp never went out.
Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear get you.

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