Friday, September 23, 2011

Bag Tag

Tonight I played in my company's yearly golf outing. Being a "once a year golfer", I'm in it for the fun. Being a fan of practical jokes, I fell victim to one of the oldies but goodies. Two friends pulled up next to my foursome, and asked if we would have a drink with them. Like a moth drawn to a flame or worse yet, someone with a mullet running for free tobacco, we headed over to their cart. A quick drink apiece, down the hatch, thank you much and Bob's your uncle. Thinking of it as nothing more than a nice gesture, we were off to the next hole. Not 20 yards after mashing the gas pedal of our cart to the floor I heard the soft crash and immediately realised what just happened. During the pretentious ceremony of toasting fallen comrads with the neighbors, someone had slipped around the cart and unbuckled the strap holding my bag of clubs to the cart. With a scream that rivaled Charlie Brown whiffing on a football, I couldn't believe I never saw it coming! Well, all's well that ends well.
     Two life lessons I learned, centered around golf are as follows: My pal Steve golfed with a guy that threw an absolute temper tantrum when he golfed poorly or just hit a poor shot. Steve leaned in close to this guy and softly said,"stop getting so mad, you're not good enough to get that mad". 
     The second lesson, was when I got invited to Golf with my old friend Earnest Greggory. He was a regular, on the green and he was good and played WAY over my head. I told him I did not want to golf with him and his pals because I wasn't good at all. He told me, "you can be the best golfer in the world and if you're a jackass, no one will want to golf with you".  "If you are a great guy and not a good golfer, people will ask you to golf". 
     Come to think of it, I've never seen a bracelet or bumper sticker that said, "What would Tiger do"?


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