Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Coldplay Nightswimming with Michael Stipe - YouTube

     This evening, as I soaked outside in the hot tub, I marveled at the night sky. (AGAIN) There was no moon and the stars seemed brighter than ever. Within my first ten minutes, I must have seen 30 satellites. As I soaked it all in I recalled the two night floats I have done on the Yellowstone River. The first float was under a full moon and the second was with no moon at all.
     The adventure of both nights ended up being surpassed by the beauty of it all. I vividly remember on the float of the full moon, being struck with how bright the night actually was. I remember looking into the deep pools and being able to see the bottom when it was calm. I recall how bright and foamy the white water appeared as we approached. I marveled at the clarity of my reflection and how it began to distort as we moved from calm to crazy water. It was like floating through a land that time continually ignores.
     The float without any moon took on a completely surreal mood. The stars danced on the calm pools, like dainty water bugs motoring about with their running lights on. The appeared and disappeared magically, like white tails moving into an open meadow at dusk. 
     This evening, two beautiful songs came to mind as I relaxed, fixated on the night sky. The first was Nightswimming by R.E.M.. Michael Stipe sings from his heart on so many songs. This one is eclectic to say the least, but passionate. the second is Ripples by Genesis. Ripples is off  "Trick of the Tail" . Phil sings this about as tender as possible while sporting as Minnesota North Star Jersey.
My soak tonight  ended with one stunning shooting star. I decided to call it a night on that note. It gets too easy to keep saying, "just one more".

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