Friday, January 13, 2012

A Wild Time At The Dallas World Aquarium

I have been known on occasion to sleep, partly submerged in water. Yes, on purpose.
I don't know why, but I had a strong desire to say Betelgeuse 3 times.

The Manatee was so incredible to watch. Pictures can not do it justice, you will have to click on the underwater cam to see it for yourself.            When you watch them swim, it's almost like slow motion. They are definitely stars at the aquarium.

This one is for my pal Bob. He LUUUUUUUVS Snakes

One of the first characters I ran into was this cool, 3 toed sloth. He seemed to be munching on lemon grass dipped in chunky peanut butter. After scouring the place for the 2 toed sloth, I was just about to concede and convince myself it was better to see the 3toe than the 2toe, but as luck would have it, alas I found him sleeping in his small cave with nothing sticking out except his 2 enormous claws. Thanks for helping me sleep well that night.

One of the more colorful spectacles was the flock of flamingos. They acted more like a school yard full of bullies than majestic birds. At this time, I would like to go on public record as saying, "Not even once, did I observe any of the flamingos stand on one leg." I'm going to chalk that one up to the other shenanigans my folks pulled on me, like Santa Clause, the Easter Bunnie and Nipsey Russel.
I fear the one legged, plastic flamingos I have seen listing in front of all those trailer parks, were nothing more than casualties of misplaced house keys and a testament to the high cost of replacement car antennas in the J.C.Whitney catalog.   Good day sir!

I tried out the x-ray app on my smart phone and was able to catch a quickie of these vampire bats.

The highlight of my day was the rapid pace at which I learned the proper procedure for how exactly how to handle it when a poison dart frog leaps onto the lens of your camera.

It's not like I'm the only one that did something stupid that day at the aquarium. (not really, but it does look strange at first)

The sea horses look like all that crap I pick out of the outboard prop when I'm water skiing. I'm gonna have to look closer next time.

If you look real close, that's me in the shark tank looking at you.

And don't think I wasn't thinking of y'all when I was there. I stopped by the gift shop and picked up a little something for you.  I hope you enjoy it.

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