Monday, July 2, 2012

My Town, My Parade

For 12 straight years I have been attending the Livingston parade. I've had some terrific times at the parade and I've met some fun people as well. Where else in the world can the 4th of July be brought to live via a woman in a cowboy hat, seated upon a red, white and blue clad cutthroat trout, swiping a fly rod at 10 and 2?
Ah, the pipes! Wouldn't you know it, the girl standing next to me, watching the parade, turned out to be of Scottish heritage, like myself, and also a descendant of the Stewart Clan. One catch though, she was from the uppity Stewart's and I'm of......, well let's just say, "the other Stewart's".   Mar sin leibh an dràsda."
With a string of hot rods muscling their way through, this Mopar ended up being the 2nd place winner in the parade. I heard that first place went to a girl driving a newer Chevy convertible. Rumor has it she won because she dropped her top and all the upholstery matched or was original or something. There is always next year Beau Hazard.
The Bozeman Saddle-ites are always a welcome site in the parade but beautiful to watch during the rodeo.
Most floats threw out candy to the crowd. This float threw out rolls of toilet paper. I caught two rolls and gave them both to my new buddy. It's the gift that keeps on giving. I'm now worried that I will bump into him in the near future and he will tell me he was just thinking about me the other morning. Yuk!

What would the parade be without a celebrity sighting. Here we see Margot Kidder, hopping out of a jeep during the parade.
O.k. ladies, I now know, just how embarrassing it is when you show up to an event and someone else is wearing the same outfit. I, however wore a belt and elected to tuck my shirt in. "Gold lame' must always be tucked in when worn before dinner" have some class!
Here is an funny, old classic that still manages to get around here in town. You decide where the caption goes. This one or that one.
Hope you had as much fun at the parade as I did.

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