Friday, July 20, 2012


     I'm constantly telling people, you can't control what happens to you, but, you have total control of how you react when it does. The dumb down version of that is, "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Today was the start of my vacation, and while it started out just fine, I ended up looking at some curve balls.
     I was suppose to hop on my bike and drive 120 miles to meet up with my pals from high school. They are flying in and renting Harley's. Since I didn't have to be there until noon time,I decided to start my day off with pilates at the gym. The hottest pilates instructor teaches several classes a week at my gym and I used this opportunity to get loosened up before my ride. It was just what the doctor ordered.
    Upon arriving back at the house, I received a call from my pals; they had missed their flight and would not arrive until tomorrow afternoon. Needless to say, they got my speech from the first paragraph. With the temperature being in the upper 90's it was an easy decision to head down to the river and try out a new swimming hole I found. I asked the pilates instructor if she wanted to go swimming and she agreed. (Before you start HARKIN on me, the pilates instructor just happens to be my beautiful bride). We swam  in the cool water and lounged about up until I looked up to fine a large black bear, standing in the brambles, about 75 yards away. It was an awesome site! We stood and watched him for a long while, up until the point when he got back down on all fours and we lost site of him. As we were deciding whether to stay or go, the bear made that choice for us as he began running along the bank toward us. It was at that very moment that I realized I had to head make some lemonade. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH, what a day.

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