Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Detroit Red Wiggler strikes again!

Giant gold fish in FranceThe Detroit Red Wiggler. No, it's not my stage name from my dancing days at Dannys in Windsor, it's the code name I've given to the worm (Phylum Annelida). Just this weekend some kid from the midwest caught an 8 pound trout using a worm for bait. Any other place in the world and it's no big deal, but people come from all over the world and pay LOTS of money to fish for trout and the mear thought of using a worm would make them vomit as if someone would have filled their crystal wine glass with Falstaff beer. Every time I listen to intense fly fishing folks talk about their fly tying and hatches of biblical purportion, I can't help but recall the bumper sticker, God made Pot and man made booze, who do you trust? I guess fish don't tailgate. I have to admit I have on occation, mixed the two. I know what you're thinking, "that's how Richard Prior burnt himself up". I remember standing on the banks of the Yellowstone and using my fly rod to "present" a Detroit Red Wiggler to an unsuspecting trout and working him in as a guided raft drifted by. I remember the puzzeled look on their face when they hollered out,"what'd you catch him on?" and I replied, DRW. It's almost as priceless as the time I explained how a group of guys from Ontario, in a raft could emulate a hatch by "Circle Casting". To each, their own.............................fish on.

1 comment:

  1. I've always been a big fan of feeding a fish what he wants (anticipates). A nice sized worm with a hook buried in it solves several fishing variables. 1) What does the fish really want to eat, 2) I want to catch fish today 3) I want to convert fish protein to Bob muscle with the least effort 4) I want to catch big fish etc. The lowly worm will be with me after the apocalypse of next Dec. 21 as I have a secret breeding program for Mr. 5 hearts. And while others are taking temperature readings and noting the time of day I will be grill'in my friend the trout sans guilt but with butter and lemon.
