Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Current Events; "Speed Blogging"

Since my last blog, there has been lots going on and I have failed to keep the keyboard clicking. In lieu of that, here is an attempt on speed blogging.

The moose ended up spending 3 weeks in the back yard. It was fun to watch him wake up in the morning and roll around like the dog. When it snowed or rained, he would wake in the morning and shake all the water or snow off. So cool to see. He even followed me home one day as I pulled into the garage, he ran up the driveway.

My pal Murphy went to West Yellowstone and texted me a picture of the Pizza Pie he got at Wild West Pizzeria   http://www.wildwestpizza.com/ That inspired me to bake a pie of my own
The weather turned a bit ducky, so...............I headed out looking for ducks with Mr. Baker and Mr. Speckelsworth. I bet we put up well over a hundred ducks. While hitting 6 out of 100 wouldn't get you a batting title, or even the bottom of the batting order, it makes for a scrumptious dinner. Tonight's dinner? Lightly breaded, lightly fried, strips strips of duck breast. If you think that sounds delicious, wait till you hear about last night cook out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a different call this past Saturday. While I am accustom to being on call 24/7 for work, I too am accustom to being on call for adventure. Sometimes the call of the wild starts off sounding remarkably like my cell phone ring tone, "Shipping off to Boston" by the Dropkick Murphy's.
My pal Beau called at 5:30a.m. and said he and his brother were setting up to take pictures of the full, lunar eclipse, and he knew if he didn't call me I would have said, you guessed it, "Why didn't you call me?"
I scrambled to get dressed because Mother Nature waits for no one. Come to think I may have, at one time or another scrambled to get undresses for that same reason. But that's a whole other blog.
As soon a JD puts his pics up on flicker, I'll send you all a link. I've seen them already and they are "WAY COOL".
Oh yeah, I spent 5 solid days chasing elk around. I was into them all day every day. One day I watched a heard of well over 1000! My pal that works for the state Fish and Wildlife was so impressed, he called a co-worker biologist to take off in the plane and photograph them. The other days, in a totally different location, I watched, easy 800 at a time. And yet a third day a heard of only a hundred or so. Bulls of every size for miles! And no, not in Yellowstone Park.
I did manage to put the sneak on this old school tractor! It's a prize for the eyes.
And rounding off a hectic two weeks was a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner. Great friends, my family and lots to be thankful for. I texted all the guys that I get to work with and told them I was thankful for all they do. Their replies were among the highlights of my holiday. I'm so blessed.

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