The first go-round, we put up 866 bales of hay. I love the look; outwardly they seem so identical yet, like snow flakes, they each have their own fingerprint. Like an army, strategically strewn about the battle field.The bales seem to be waiting for the bugler to sound "Gary Owen". When the wind is ever so calm, I swear I hear them whispering,"hold steady........hold.............
Yes, the wheel line. Over the years, the simplest of technology has managed to hold off the new. Ever so basic, yet mighty enough to quench the thirst of the earth. This age old beauty could trace it's family tree back to the aqueducts. The mere sight of this, as it stands, would be enough to stop a Roman Centurion in his tracks!
This photo was taken from my "in cab", Deer cam. Cutting Hay. As a young, rather spunky child, I loved to create wind rows,with my fork and food on my dinner plate. Oh how I would spend hours at the dinner table separating my lima beans into neat rows. Time ticked on as the rest of the family readied for bed and I procrastinated the daunting task of finishing my meal. For dessert? Destiny! (Hey ma, look at me, no hands!!!"
My very own full size Tonka trucks. You will notice the beautiful, turquoise, 1974 GMC 6500.
Please note, the bale on the upper left is smiling and the one right next to that one has a smirk.. Also 4 outies and 3 innies. Take a guess how much 1 bale weighs. No googling or nit wik a pedi ing!