Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cigar 101

   I once uttered the phrase,"I don't care who I have to learn from". Unfortunately I did this to the face of a young guy that worked for me. It cane directly after her shared some valuable information with me. I can't help but think that remark is somewhat responsible for him "no longer" working for me. I have to admit, that in hindsight, it did come off as condescending. What I really meant to say was that I was never too proud to admit I did not previously know that. I recently received a wonderful cigar from a friend,that prompted me to reflect. The cigar is a fine cigar. It's a Montana Sport Cigar www.montanasportcigars.com/. While I love sponsoring local, I love it when it ends up being a great product. Believe me, I know a good cigar. My credentials, you ask? You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I'm gonna tell you anyhow. I got my cigar education from a bag lady, in Detroit, named Tina. I'm guessing 20 years ago, I first met Tina when she was diving in a dumpster outside of my workplace. I remember being somewhat leery but also inquisitive and we actually struck up a lengthy conversation. Tina was a large, bleach blond gal, wearing a poncho (not a Sears poncho, a knitted one) and a pink hat that had lived through a rough spell with a Be Dazzler. A pleasant woman to sat the least, however when I accused her of not even being able to spell a particular word she used to describe me, she immediately became agitated, and kicked me. (I know what you're think, oh Dash, how did you let her get that close?) To make a long story short, we made amends and became friends. Tina often brought me gifts she found and I must say I always took them humbly, as I knew she really was thinking of me. She gave me the first three issues ever published of Cigar Aficionado www.cigaraficionado.com  I still recall the three covers, they were three iconic figures that require first names only, to know exactly who they are: Groucho,Fidel and Rush. (Say the secret word and the Communist will fly down and give you a Vicodin) I poured into those magazines and before you knew it I was able to hold my own with the best of 'um. George Burns? AAHHH, Bill Cosby? Nonsense! I began to talk of Connecticut wrappers, ring gauges,long filler from Ecuador, claro, claro claro, maduro. Did you know the thickness of cigars is referred to in ring gauges. That's actually 64ths of an inch? Did you know that Lonsdales have a ring gauge of 42 and are named after Hugh Cecil Lowther, the 5th Earl of Lonsdale. Folks, I can't make this stuff up. it wasn't long before I was buying bundles of LaUnica cigars from J.R.Cigars  www.jrcigars.com. Some of the most entertaining reading you will ever come by, can be found in a J.R.Cigars catalog. I urge you to get on line and request one and see for yourself. If it's not top notch writing, I'll give you your money back. If it's everything I said it was, send me a Macanudo Portofino!
     20 years have gone by,  to this very day, I never light up a cigar or begin a discussion about them (and I have been in some pretty stout company discussing the finer points of a great cigar and countless times I have forced people to do a double take) that I do not look back and remember where it all started. I enjoyed every conversation I ever had with Tina. I wonder what ever became of her. She taught me lots about cigars, however, she taught me a great lesson about life. Here is where you expect me to lay out the cliche'. Well. I ain't gonna do it this time. It's too obvious. Why it's as plain as that nose on your face, or that burning stoagie underneath it.  

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